Bonita's Bio

Bonita Lee McClain didn’t have the best start in life. From a happy "hood rich" child, growing up in North Philly, to bringing shame to her parents, community and church by becoming a statistic at fifteen-years young. Black, low-income, diploma-less, female and pregnant, with little or no prospects, she fought back to make a success of her life and become a shining light amid the darkness, for others who face the same challenges she did. Now, Bonita tells the remarkable story of her journey in her book, 16 Years Apart: Teen Mom to Charity Queen, and how she became a successful record-breaking entrepreneur, philanthropist and charity provider who has changed the lives of thousands of people. Her charitable organization, 16 Years Apart, helps young people and their families on a range of issues, from abstinence to achieving their goals in life and has the vision to ensure that teenage mothers and fathers can still follow their dreams and have bright futures, no matter what obstacles are placed in their way. 16 Years Apart: Teen Mom to Charity Queen is an inspiring story which is painful and brutally honest in parts, but which will motivate you to the belief that you are not a lost cause, ever. And you can succeed where you always imagined you would fail.